Climate Change
Long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns is known as climate change. The climate of our planet shifts naturally over a long period of time through various natural processes. However, over the last few decades rapid climate change like global warming has occurred due to human actions that has increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Some of the primary causes of climate change include:
- Emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere
- Deforestation for human settlements
- Overutilization and exploitation of natural resources
- Pollution caused by human activities
At Uttrayan Welfare Foundation, we intend to take a number of steps to tackle and overcome the challenges of climate change by promoting eco-friendly and environmentally sustainable solutions.

Uttrayan Farm School is a unique initiative that has been undertaken by the Uttrayan Welfare Foundation with the vision to promote sustainable agricultural practices and to generate awareness and share knowledge about adopting non-conventional farming techniques and concepts to tackle the challenges posed by climate change.
With increasing population and related urban development, land for conventional agriculture is swiftly decreasing around the country. Uttrayan Farm School intends to educate both children and adults about the opportunity to use acres and acres of unused or neglected spaces like rooftops and terraces for practicing environmentally friendly organic farming.
The Farm School will not only produce its own organic agricultural products but will also welcome and encourage visitors, including school children, families and even corporates, to participate and receive practical hands-on training and experience in sustainable non-conventional agricultural practices.
The core vision and objective of the Uttrayan Farm School is to support and educate people about non-conventional and innovative organic farming techniques that will equip and empower the society in facing the threats of climate change and ensure a more healthy, safe and environmentally sustainable future.